Saturday, March 15, 2014

A little taste of a new novel I have been thinking about.

 The rune exploded in a flash of light and sound. The power of it sent shock waves through the air. The sorcerer dropped his shield and surveyed the area. A throwing knife whipped past his head. It too exploded as it hit the tree behind him. The sorcerer ducked and rolled out of the falling tree's path.

"Come out rune user. You cannot hide forever. And unlike you, my powers are not finite!"

Jack was hiding behind one of the larger trees, attempting to stay out of sigh. He silently took count of his runes. Three throwing knioves with explosive runes, two flash runes and a shield run. He quickly pulled his inscribing tool from his belt and card a Faye symbol into the tree he was hiding behind.

The end of the sorcerers staff lit the dark woods around him.

"Come out coward! Are you afraid to fight true power with your silly tricks? Let me show you what real magic is like."

The sorcerer spoke into his hand and a spark lit flames in his palm. He cast his hand out and flames began to spew, burning the trees in front of him. "Burn to death mongrel!" The sorcerer shouted.

Jack threw the flash rune at the wizard and covered his eyes. The wizard turned, a brighjt light filling the air. The wizard let out a guttural roar. Jack placed his hand on the rune he hand he had engrave into the tree.

"Stay stunned for a few seconds." Jack muttered to himself. The run on the tree began to glow. Soon the entire trunk glowed, then the trees around him. Snapping sounds were heard as roots shot from the ground and wrapped themselves around the sorcerer.

The sorcerer struggled against his bonds. "You will not get away with this. You will die like the rest of your kin."

Jack stepped into the light still being produced by the staff. "You are hunting me. I am defending myself. I will not kill you today, but mark my words. Continue to hunt me and you will die. I have the book now."

"It does not matter rune user," The sorcerer spit out venomously. "We will find you. We will kill you. That book will be burned and no one will ever use those vile runes again."

Jack turned and ran deeper into the forest.

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