Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Preternatural Prophecy Chapter 14

            The day passed slowly. Wendel kept stirring. The sunlight barely filtered in through the small cracks in the ceiling. A few streams landed on Tatiana’s smooth skin making it glow. Wendel stared at her as she soundly slept. A feeling stirred inside him. He felt unsure. He tossed and turned thinking deeply. He closed his eyes tightly trying to sleep.
            Silently, a figure crept into the room. The figure wore a cloak that covered the entire body. The figure drew a sword and raised it above Wendel. Wendel’s eyes flew open and he caught the sword between his palms as it was swung down. Wendel twisted the blade from the figures hands. A man gasped. “You are supposed to be asleep! Vampires sleep during the day!” The man cried out. He threw off his cloak to reveal a belt full of weapons. The man pulled a mace off of his belt. “This will end you and your vampire friends.” As the mace came down on Wendel the blade a sword knocked the head out of the way. Tatiana stood there with her falchion drawn. Laurel stood behind her pulling her short sword out.
            The man began to get nervous. He turned and bolted out the doorway laughing loudly. Laurel smiled and ran after him. “Tatiana, stay here and watch over Wendel! There might be others coming.” She swept the curtain aside and ran after the man. He looked back and saw Laurel running after him. He turned and pulled out another sword.
            “What kind of vampire are you? No other kind has ever been able to go into the light!” He screamed, his eyes showing nothing except fear.
            “You fool I am not a vampire. I am a human. But for attacking Wendel you will die.”
            “I am only here to kill the vampires. I do not wish to harm you.”
            “Why then did you attack Wendel?”
            “There is a bounty all over for him. Whoever kills him will be paid a glorious amount and will be made a king. He is wanted all over. I found him by sheer luck. Now move out of my way so I can collect my bounty. I have no problem killing you to get to him.”
            Laurel snickered, “trust me. Today is not my day to die.” Laurel charged him. He brought his sword down smiling at her ignorance. As the sword came down on her she dodged to the side and slid her sword straight through his chest. He coughed, blood starting to leak from his lips.
            “How?” He asked shocked.
            “You underestimate the power that all three of us hold combined. We are the chosen ones. We were sent out to kill the vampires. You cannot kill us. That is the only end now. The vampires will die.”
            Laurel pulled her sword out of his chest with a sucking sound. He fell to his knees and fell forward. Blood started to pool around his body. His brown hair was matted from sweat. The black blood started to seep up his shirt. Laurel smiled.

            Tatiana stood in the doorway only peeking out to keep most of the sunlight out. The midday sun burned brightly, lighting up the destroyed town. Not much moved except for the wind blowing something every so often. The adrenaline that had flooded her veins minutes before had run its course and she was beginning to feel sleepy. She had been woken up in the middle of a dream. She yawned loudly.
            Wendel sat in the corner gently snoring. He had fallen asleep not long after Laurel had run out the door. She moved over to him and sat down next to him. She yawned loudly and stretched, trying not to fall asleep also. She lay back against the wall next to Wendel. Tatiana’s head nodded forward as she drifted off to sleep. Wendel moved, making Tatiana fall against him. The two lay soundly asleep next to each other.
            Laurel pushed open the curtain to see Tatiana lying against Wendel. She smiled. She would let them be for now. She pulled a chair outside and sat down. She faced out into the village. She scanned the streets, making sure no one else would disturb them. A crow cawed in the distance. Barking was heard down the street. The only other sound was the blowing of the wind down the alleys and streets. She pulled her short sword out. She examined it before pulling out a rag to wipe the blood off of the sword. She ran the rag up and down the blade careful not to slice herself on the edge of the sword. Laurel knew that she had the power to heal anyone but did that include herself she wondered. She wiped the last of the blood off before taking out her water sack. She poured a little over the sword. She slowly rubbed down the sword with the water.
            By the time Laurel was done with cleaning her sword the sun had begun to set. Laurel knew that soon they would have to move forward towards the castle. There she was sure that they could destroy the rest of the vampires. There would be the end for all those who had been a parasite to the human race for so long.

            Soon night had fallen. Wendel jerked awake to find Tatiana laying on him. He looked around. Laurel was absent from the shelter. Tatiana was wrapped around his arm. Her face was pressed against his chest. She snored lightly. Wendel smiled and unhooked her from his arm. He placed Tatiana against the wall and stood up. Her snoring turned to a yawn as she woke up. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked up at Wendel.
            “Morning, Wendel. How did you sleep?” Tatiana asked.
            “I slept well, but probably not as well as you did.” Wendel said smirking.
            “What do you mean by that?”
            “Oh nothing. Do not worry about it.”
            “Tell me please what you meant.”
            “Like I said nothing to worry about.”
            “Why won’t you tell me?”
            “You will be embarrassed.”
            “How could I possibly be embarrassed?”
            “Because you were sleeping on me.” Wendel smiled again.
            Tatiana’s face turned a dark red. She covered her face with her hands. “Oh that is embarrassing. I am so sorry Wendel I didn’t mean to.”
            “It is quite alright Tatiana. No harm was done by you sleeping with me.” Tatiana peaked out between her fingers. Wendel winked at her. She giggled a little bit. Laurel walked in.
            “Cut it out you two. We need to move. There is a vampire army coming this way. We need to leave immediately. No time to make any more faces at each other just get out the door.” Laurel said pushing her sister out the door. Laurel grabbed her pack along with her sister’s and headed out the door. Wendel followed the twins closely.
            As they were exiting a chuckle erupted from their left. They turned to see Aiden standing there with his army behind him. “Do you really think that it wouldn’t be hard to find you? There is news about you around the whole country side. There is no way you can escape us. We have you surrounded.” He bellowed at them.
            “Tatiana can you try to shadow us out of here?” Laurel whispered.
            “I can try but where would we go?” Tatiana replied
            “Take us anywhere but here!” Wendel butted in.
            Tatiana grabbed the other two and shouted out the name of the mountains. Nothing happened though. She tried once more to no avail. Aiden burst out with an evil laugh.
            “There is no escape for you three. Nothing shall stand in my way now from completing my world domination. You three are the only ones that could possibly hinder that. Now that I have you in my grasp you will not escape. You three shall die today!” He shouted above the roar of his army.
            The roar of the army grew loader as they got psyched up. Soon the entire vampire army clanged their shields and swords together. Blood red eyes stared at the trio. Laurel looked over to see Wendel with a smirk on his face. Fear showed in Tatiana’s eyes.
            “What is so funny Wendel?” Laurel asked with urgency in her voice.
            “Well for one, the old woman is sneaking up behind the army.” Wendel replied looking up. Laurel looked over to see the old woman chanting silently behind the army. A hush fell over them as they all turned and saw her. She smiled slightly and mouthed the last word. Half of the army disappeared before them. Aiden stared in disbelief at what had just happened.
            “How? How did you do that?” Aiden screamed drawing his own sword.
            “Aiden you forget. I am a god. My mission is to help these three destroy you. And I shall help them in any way I can.” She turned away. She walked away and disappeared into thin air.
            Aiden spun back around. “Nevertheless, attack them now so they cannot escape.”
            “Tatiana, try again to get us out of here!” Laurel demanded as the army ran towards them.

            “Teneriffe!” Tatiana screamed at the top of her lungs. All three disappeared in a hazy shadow. It darted away from the surging army and away from the battle field. 

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