Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Preternatural Prophecy Chapter 7

Tatiana awoke being carried by Haru. She looked around. Buildings and people sped by them as Haru ran through the town. She screamed as they sped around a corner almost hitting three people.
            “Do not worry Tatiana. I know what I am doing. Calm down. Yes I do know what I’m doing. Stop screaming! Finally no don’t scream in your mind. I can still hear it. STOP SCREAMING! Thank you.” Tatiana clung to Haru the whole time he shouted at her. She hid her face in his chest and he leapt over a small cart. He landed in front of the medical hut and lay her down. She removed her face from his chest and looked up.
            “What are we doing here? Where is Laurel? What is going on Haru?”
            “All answers will be answered in time. As for your second one I suggest you walk inside. You will find your sister in there. As soon as your reunion is done we must leave. Go now I must get some things ready. Wait outside for me I will be back soon.”
            Haru turned and ran off leaving her sitting in the dirt. She stood up and walked into the hut pushing aside the curtain. Laurel sat in the corner still crying. Tatiana went over to her sister and knelt down behind her.
            “Laurel? Are you okay?” Tatiana asked.
            Laurel whipped around and saw her sister. She screamed and hugged her sister. “Oh god, oh god! Tatiana is that really you? Oh yes Tatiana. I saw you die though. How?”
“I’m not sure. I remember dying but then I woke up and Haru was running with me in his arms. I’m back now and I’m happy. Haru told me that we need to leave soon. I’m not sure where did he tell you?”
            “No,” Laurel began crying and held her sister tighter. She looked at her with red eyes. “Oh I’m so glad you are back.” Laurel smiled and held her sister close.
Haru entered the hut. “Are you two ready? We need to leave immediately. We are going to the middle of the vampire territory.”
            “Are you crazy? We could die! I already lost my sister once I will not do it again!” Laurel cried out.
            “If we do not leave Wendel will die!” Haru shouted back. Laurel froze.
            “Wendel was kidnapped by vampires. They have him somewhere. I have no clue where we must find him though. We cannot let them kill him. We need to go now.”
“Fine let’s go. If it becomes too dangerous we will leave and you can go yourself Haru.”
Haru nodded. He tossed them each a pack and their swords.

            The old woman walked around the town smiling as she read the minds of the peasants.
She thought to herself how they had no clue what was actually going on in the world. She walked into the town square and looked around. Haru and the twins ran past her and towards the eastern gate. She turned and followed them. They stopped at the gate and pushed it open. She walked past them as they were opening it. She waited outside for them to exit. Laurel and Tatiana stopped. Haru kept walking.
            “What are you doing here?” Tatiana asked.
            “I am here to remind you about the Brimstone Blade. You must get it. There is no other way to destroy the vampires.” Haru jumped when he heard the voice. He drew his knife and went into a crouched position.
            “Calm down psychic one. I am an elder of the world. There is nothing to be afraid of. I know you cannot read my mind. There is nothing you can do about that. Try as you may to probe my mind.”
            Haru stood back up and grimaced. He looked from Laurel to Tatiana.
            “Girls we need to go. The longer Wendel is out there the more chance he is dead.”
            “Well Haru do you even know where he is?” The old woman questioned.
            Haru grimaced again. “Slight idea. They will probably take him to the castle in the middle of their territory. There they will kill him. And each second we take up will be a second they are closer to that castle.”
            “Yes they are going there. But that castle is guarded by hundreds of vampires. How will you ever get past all those guards past Aiden then past the Vampire King to get to Wendel?”
“Vampire King?” Laurel asked surprised.
            “Yes the vampires have a new king. He is very powerful and is going to be set in place in a few days. Your only hope is to get the Brimstone Blade and to kill him before he becomes king. If he does he will be able to control all the vampires from his chair. Then he will be invincible. Hurry before it is too late. Haru just so you know you must go with them. If you three split up before you are meant to then it will result in the death of all three of you and the extinction of the human race. Good luck to you all.” The old woman snapped and vanished.
            Haru exhaled and turned to the twins. “Looks like we have to find this Brimstone Blade.”
            “Yes we have to. I know exactly where it is too. It is back in our home town. But that is too far to walk. There is no way we would be able to make it there in a few days.” Tatiana said.      “What about with that necklace that the old woman gave you?” Laurel asked.
            Tatiana looked down and pulled the necklace from her pack. “Yea I guess. But will it take us that far? How does it work?”
            Haru walked over to her and took it from her hands and grabbed the twins. He shouted something into the air and they turned into a shadow and slowly disappeared.

They reformed right above a lakes surface and crashed down into it. The twins frantically swam to shore while Haru smoothly treaded water. He took a deep breath then swam to shore. The twins crawled onto the shore shivering. Haru slowly walked up onto shore and smiled.
            “Not used to the water?” He teased them.
            They grimaced at him and gathered firewood they found on the beach spread all over. They walked down the beach a bit and found a small patch of dead trees and shrubs. They carried it back to where they swam ashore. Haru sat down on the beach and pulled the blankets from his pack. He spread them out and built a small fire circle from the stones on the beach. He dug out some of the sand in the middle and put it aside. The twins returned with firewood and they started the fire. They waited till it was roaring before curling up beside it and drying off. Haru held the blankets next to the fire so they would dry. He beat the collected sand off of them and gave one to each of the twins. They smiled gratefully and wrapped themselves up in one.
            “Where are we anyways Haru? I have never seen this place in my life.” Tatiana asked. “I’m not sure. I sense people not too far off. We will go ask them later. For the rest of today we should probably rest and find some supplies.” Haru responded. He loped off down the beach bending down every so often and picking something up. He went down to a cove and waded into shallow water. The twins watched him as he dove into the water and resurfaced a minute later hold two fish. He got out and walked back to the twins. He dropped the fish by them and grabbed a stick. He gutted the fish and dropped the organs onto a rock he had placed on the fire.
            “Yum fried liver, my favorite.” He said pushing around the organs on the rock frying them. The twins cringed at the awful smell but Haru seemed unaffected by the odor. He then pulled the organs off the rock and placed them on another he was using as a plate. He kicked the cooking rock off the fire and jammed a stick through one of the fish’s mouths. He handed the stick to one of the twins. “Here, dinner. Remember to cook it over the coals not the fire otherwise it will burn.” He jabbed another stick into the other fish and handed it to the second twin. He picked up the fried organs with his fingers and ate them in silence.
            The twins shivered as they cooked their fish. The sun slowly set over the lake. The sky lit up with multi colors as the sun sank low. The hues of red, orange and purple shone in the sky. The twins stared in awe.
            “Haru have you ever seen a sunset?” Tatiana asked.
            “Yes when I was younger I saw one. Before I gave my eyes up that is. It was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. I remember the red lighting up the sky as if it was on fire. The orange that came after it reminded me of the fruits my mother and father had grown to raise money. Then the purple, oh how beautiful that was. It was so magnificent. Then unfortunately came the night. Before the worst there is always something beautiful. That night there was an attack on my village. I heard the thoughts of the vampires before they arrived and tried to warn everyone. By the time an effective defense was built up the vampires were seiging our inner walls. There was blood everywhere. I hid even though I knew that I could hear every secret and every trick they were using to kill off my fellow village people. I never forgave myself for not helping them. When I came out in the morning I found my whole village slaughtered. When I went looking for my parents I found them holding onto each other in my house. Even in death they were inseparable.
            “Death knocked on our door that night. I answered and I ran when I saw what I was up against. Now I’m here to repay the vampires for what they did to my parents. I hope that when I find them they put up a good fight for I will not kill a vermin that tries to beg for mercy.” Haru’s eyes were burning with tears. He turned and wiped them away. “I guess a blind man can still cry even though the rest of his eyes are useless.” He said through chuckles.
            The twins looked at him with sympathetic looks upon their faces. They turned back to the roaring fire remembering their own pasts and their mother.
            “What of you two? Where are your parents?” Haru asked still wiping away his tears.
            The twins stayed silent and moved toward each other. Haru looked over in their direction.

            He tilted his head. “You two in there?”
            “We would prefer not to talk about it. Sorry Haru.” Laurel said.
            “Well good night then. I’m gonna turn in early. See you two in the morning.” He curled up in a ball and fell asleep next to the fire. The twins lie down on the other side and fell asleep facing each other.

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