Monday, March 17, 2014

Preternatural Prophecy Chapter 13

Laurel, Tatiana, and Wendel stood in a burned corn field staring at what used to be a gigantic trade city. Now the only thing that was left was ruins and ashes. Stray dogs scuttled around looking for any form of food they could find. One howled in the cold night air. The trio moved toward the destroyed city. No cries of agony could be heard. The night air was still. All the fires, which had burned down the city, had long ago been extinguished. They walked down the empty streets looking for someone. Each one called out, searching for anyone that might still be alive.
Finally a weak, “hello?” was returned from the darkness. Wendel hurried over to a destroyed building. The roof had caved in and the entrance was blocked. Wendel punched his hand through the stone and pulled out the stones that blocked his way. The twins hurried after him. Wendel lit a torch he had found outside the village. He used the light emitted from the torch to find a small boy, who was severely wounded. A long cut went from his left knee up to his chest. Blood stained the wounds opening. The boy was breathing shallowly. Wendel handed the torch to Laurel. He picked up the boy and carried him outside. Wendel pulled his herbal kit out of his pack and put it on the ground next to him. He kneeled down next to the boy. Wendel pulled a small vial from the kit and poured it on the wound.
“This should take away the pain. It will also help with the healing process. It looks like a clean cut so he must have been sliced by a sword or something.” Wendel said returning the vial to kit.
“Aiden’s army must have done this. They are wrecking havoc everywhere. Where will it end?” Tatiana asked. She sat down next to the boy and brushed his hair out of his face. His breathing had returned to normal.
“We must get the Brimstone Blade to the castle. That is the only hope of ending Aiden’s advances. The only way is to destroy the vampires.” Laurel said shaking her fist.
“What about me though? Will I die as well? What would happen to me?” Wendel asked unsure.
“I am not sure Wendel. If we cannot heal you then you might have to sacrifice your life.” Tatiana answered him. She bit her lip softly thinking of what would happen if it came down to that.
“If it was to save the rest of the world then I will do it.” Wendel said sullenly.
“We will try our best to save you Wendel but…” Laurel stopped there.
“I know. There is a very minimal chance that I will get cured of this plague.” Wendel stood up. He picked the boy up and turned into a shadow disappearing.
“Wendel!” Tatiana exclaimed in shock.
“Don’t worry Tatiana, he will be back soon. He just needs time to clear his head.” Laurel said, putting her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Let’s go see if there is any food to be found here.”
Laurel helped her twin up off the ground. The twins first went to the town square then branched off into the shops encompassing it. Laurel yelled out as she exited a bakery with loaves of bread in her hand. Tatiana came out of a show across the square with full waters skins and honey. They turned over a table that had been flipped in the attack. They turned it back over and set the food on the table. The twins sat down across from each other. They both started eating. Soon a dog came over to the table whimpering. Tatiana tossed it a piece of bread. It barked and ran off. Laurel laughed.

            Wendel sat alone with the small boy on a hill not far from the burned city. The boy woke up and looked around. “Where am I?” The boy asked.
            “Don’t even try to play around old woman. I’ve gotten used to feeling your energy whenever you are close. I can feel your energy now.” Wendel said curtly.
            The boy sighed and transformed back into the old woman. “You are becoming a powerful vampire. Soon there will be no chance to change you back.”
            “How can I be changed back old woman? You keep me in the dark as to how to change back but you keep telling me I can. If you are not going to help, leave us alone.”
            “I am helping Wendel. I gave you the name of the mountains with the temple. I’ve protected you. I’ve given you your life back by telling Laurel what to do.”
            “Now tell me how to change back into a human.”
            “There is only one way. You must kill the vampire who changed you while wanting to change back into a human.”
            “Where is this vampire?”
            “WHAT?! Why did you tell me that I could change back into a human?”
            “He died this morning. He was out on patrol when the sun came up and did not have enough time to shadow away.”
            Wendel stood up. He punched a nearby tree, causing it to break in half at the point where he punched it. He turned to a shadow and disappeared.
            “Joseph, there is no use hiding now. He is gone.” Joseph appeared next to the woman.
            Joseph smiled, “My father and Jeremiah will be happy to hear this. We have been waiting a long time. We have been hiding with those people for centuries waiting for these three.”
            “Joseph, say no more. We still do not know who is listening. For all we know a vampire might be here listening. They have more power then we think.”
            “Of course.” Joseph smiled and disappeared.
            “Hopefully they do not figure out our plan before we can finish it. They are the only way that this will ever be ended.” The old woman laughed. She turned to a shadow and faded into the night.

            Wendel stormed into the town square and fell into the seat next to Tatiana. He put his head down on the table and sighed. Tatiana shifted towards him. She gave him a light hug. He sat up and hugged her back.
            “What’s wrong?” Tatiana asked.
            “I cannot be turned back into a human. I needed to kill the vampire that bit me. He died today.” He responded. “There is no way to be saved from this plague now.”
            “You can’t die there has to be another way!” Tatiana shouted out, fear obviously shining in her eyes.
            “That is the way it has to be Tatiana. I am sorry. There is no other way.” Wendel said calmly. Tears streamed down Tatiana’s face.
            “No! I won’t believe that!” She stood up and ran off into the village.
            “TATI!” Her twin screamed after here. Laurel stood up to chase after her by Wendel grabbed her arm.
            “She will come back. She won’t go far.” Wendel said releasing her arm.
            Laurel sighed. She sat back down and stared off at where Tatiana has run.

            Tatiana ran as fast as she could through the town, taking twists and turns through the back alleyways. She wiped away the tears as they streamed from her eyes. Soon the sleeves of her shirt were soaked. She stopped running and started walking. “Stupid vampires. Why do they have to do this to me? Every single time!” She clenched her fist. She threw her head up and smashed her hand into a wall. “It is no fair. Every time I love someone it has to end because of the vampires!”
            “Oh now honey we aren’t that bad.” Tatiana looked up to see a scraggly looking man, dressed in rags, sitting on the rooftop above her. He jumped down and grinned. “Oh come here. I won’t bite. Well not yet anyways.” He moved closer, the evil smile broadening on his face. “Well aren’t you a pretty thing.” He reached out with his dirty hand. His human blood stained teeth gleamed in the moon light. Tatiana’s eyes flared up with anger. She grasped at a hilt and slashed across the vampire’s hand. He screamed in pain. He grasped his hand and fell to his knees.
            “My hand!” He bellowed in pain. Slowly his entire hand turned black and crumbled. It moved down his arm crawling along. He tried to scratch it off with his other hand but to no avail. His body disintegrated into a fine dust before Tatiana’s eyes. He howled in pain one last time before the plague consumed his head, completely turning him to dust.
            Footsteps pounded around the corner. Wendel dropped down from above her with his crossbow ready to fire. Laurel swung around the corner with the blade of her sword flashing. They looked around to see that no one else but Tatiana was there. Laurel put her sword back in its sheath.
            “What happened, Tati?” Laurel asked.
            “There was this vampire. He attacked me and I thought I slashed at him with my falchion but all of a sudden he just started crumbling and dying.” Tatiana looked down at her hand to see herself holding the Brimstone Blade.
            Laurel extended her hand out. She gently took the blade out of her sister’s hand. “Tatiana this isn’t even sharp. It can’t even cut through an apple. This is a dull blade. There is no way you could have cut a vampire with it.”
            “Wait Laurel. You have to remember that this is a blade with supernatural powers to kill vampires. Maybe that is how it kills them. Let’s just keep it away from me for now.” Wendel said backing up a little.
            “I guess you could be right Wendel. We need to put that thing in a safe place for now otherwise it could kill Wendel if we are not careful.” Laurel wrapped it in a skin then placed it at the bottom of her pack. She carefully put the blade away.

            “The sun is starting to come up. We need to move indoors for now.” Tatiana said pointing to the purple sky. Laurel and Wendel nodded and went to find shelter. 

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